The stable atmospheric boundary layer over an Antarctic ice sheet
Turbulence measurements up to 11-m height and long term profile measurements up to 45-mheight performed at the German Neumayer Station in Antarctica are used to investigate differentcomponents of turbulence closure schemes of the stable boundary layer. The results confirm thelinear relationships for the universal functions of momentum and heat exchange in the stabilityrange z/L<0.8...1, whereas the local scaling approach should be used above the surface layer.Furthermore, boundary-layer heights below 50 m are frequently observed at this coastalAntarctic site, mainly due to influence of the stability above the boundary layer. It is shownthat the inclusion of this stability into parametrization relations is necessary to provide realisticequilibrium heights of the stable boundary layer. Two relations, based on different physicalapproaches, were successfully applied for the parametrization of the equilibrium height.
AWI Organizations > Climate Sciences > Physical Oceanography of the Polar Seas
AWI Organizations > Climate Sciences > Climate Dynamics
AWI Organizations > Climate Sciences > Sea Ice Physics