Assimilation of OC-CCI data for parameter estimation in the coupled ocean biogeochemical model MITgcm-REcoM

MITgcm-REcoM is used to simulate biogeochemistry in a global ocean configuration. The Regulated Ecosystem Model REcoM simulates biogeochemical processes using two phytoplankton groups (small phytoplanktons and diatoms) in a quota-formulation using separate variables for carbon and chlorophyll. The model has been shown to produce realistic phytoplankton carbon concentrations with spatially constant parameters controlling the processes. To further improve the model representation we plan to estimate spatially varying parameters so that the biogeochemical processes can adapt to regional environmental conditions. The parameter estimation will be performed by assimilating ocean color data from OC-CCI using an ensemble filter provided by the Parallel Data Assimilation Framework (PDAF). We discuss the performance of the global model configuration with fixed parameters as well as data assimilation component and plans for the parameter estimation.