Natural Frequencies of Diatom Shells: Alteration of Eigenfrequencies Using Structural Patterns Inspired by Diatoms

Diatoms have delicate and complex shells showing different lightweight design principles that have already been applied to technical products improving the mechanical properties. In addition, diatom inspired structures are expected to significantly affect the vibration characteristics, i.e., the eigenfrequencies. Directed eigenfrequency shifts are of great interest for many technical applications to prevent undesired high vibration amplitudes. Therefore, numerous complex diatom inspired dome structures primarily based on combs, ribs, and bulging patterns were constructed and their eigenfrequencies were numerically studied. Different structural patterns were identified to significantly affect eigenfrequencies. The results were compared to dome structures equipped with rib patterns in combination with a common structural optimization tool. The study indicates that a combination of (1) selecting diatom inspired structural patterns that strongly affect eigenfrequencies, and (2) adapting them to the boundary conditions of the technical problem is an efficient method to design diatom inspired lightweight solutions with high eigenfrequencies.