Items where Author is "Voss, Max"

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Number of items: 31.


Schwamborn, R. , Voss, M. , Ekau, W. and Saint-Paul, U. (2002)
How important are mangroves as carbon sources for decapod crustacean larvae in a tropical estuary? ,
Marine ecology-progress series, 229 , pp. 195-205 .

Schwamborn, R. , Ekau, W. , Voss, M. and Saint-Paul, U. (1999)
Stable isotope composition of particulate organic matter and zooplankton in northeast Brazilian shelf waters. ,
Archive of fishery and marine research,47210., 201 .

Noji, T. T. , Bathmann, U. , von Bodungen, B. , Voss, M. , Antia, A. , Krumbholz, M. , Klein, B. , Peeken, I. ORCID:, Noji, C. I. M. and Rey, F. (1997)
Clearance of picoplankton-sized particles and formation of rapidly sinking aggregates by the pteropod, Limacina retroversa ,
Journal of Plankton Research, 19 , pp. 863-875 .

Bathmann, U. , Noji, T. T. , Voss, M. and Peinert, R. (1987)
Copepod fecal pellets: abundance, sedimentation and content at a permanent station in the Norwegian Sea in May/June 1986 ,
Marine Ecology Progress Series, 38 , pp. 45-51 .


Peinert, P. , Bauerfeind, E. , Gradinger, R. , Haupt, O. , Krumbholz, M. , Peeken, I. ORCID:, von Bodungen, B. , Ramseier, R. O. , Voss, M. and Zeitschel, B. (2001)
Particle flux variability in the Polar and Atlantic biogeochemical provinces of the GIN Seas ,
In: P. Schäfer, W. Ritzrau, M.Schlüter and J. Thiede (Eds.), Springer Verlag, Heidelberg 68. .

Schwamborn, R. , Voss, M. , Ekau, W. and Saint-Paul, U. (1996)
Macrozooplankton community structure and isotopic composition. ,
In: Ekau, W., Knoppers, B. (eds.), Joint Oceanographic Projects JOPS II - Cruise report and first results. Center for Tropical Marine Ecology, Bremen .

von Bodungen, B. , Bathmann, U. , Voss, M. and Wunsch, M. (1991)
Vertical particle flux in the Norwegian Sea - resuspension and interannual variability ,
Sediment trap studies in the nordic countries: Proc of the Symposium on Sediment Traps in Marine Ecological Research and Monitoring, Fiskebäckskil, Sweden, 1990 (P Wassmann, A -S Heiskanen, O Lindahl, eds ) .


Conference -Talk
Wannicke, N. , Endres, S. , Unger, J. , Engel, A. , Grossart, H. P. , Nausch, M. and Voss, M. (2011)
Growth and production of Nodularia spumigena under elevated CO2 concentrations. ,
Aquatic Sciences Meeting, 13.-18.2.2011, San Juan, Puerto Rico. .

Conference -Talk
Endres, S. , Unger, J. , Wannicke, N. , Nausch, M. , Voss, M. and Engel, A. (2011)
Microbial degradation of organic matter produced by Thalassiosira weissflogii during a combined chemostat and batch experiment under different pCO2 levels ,
SAME12 12th Symposium on Aquatic Microbial Ecology, Warnemünde/Rostock.8.-2.9.2011. .

Conference -Talk
Nausch, G. , Endres, S. , Engel, A. , Grossart, H. P. , Nausch, M. , Unger, J. , Voss, M. and Wannicke, N. (2010)
Effects of ocean acidification on the turnover of organic matter in pelagic ecosystems ,
BIOACID / EPOCA / UKOARP Meeting Bremerhaven 27-30 Sept 2010. .

Conference -Poster
Wannicke, N. , Unger, J. , Endres, S. , Nausch, M. , Nausch, G. , Grossart, H. P. , Voss, M. and Engel, A. (2010)
Growth and production of Nodularia spumigena under different CO2 concentrations - First results from a joint laboratory study ,
BIOACID / EPOCA / UKOARP Meeting Bremerhaven 27-30 Sept 2010. .

Conference -Poster
Wannicke, N. , Unger, J. , Endres, S. , Nausch, M. , Grossart, H. P. , Voss, M. and Engel, A. (2010)
How elevated pCO2 and DOM derived from Nodularia grown at different pCO2 level modify bacterial growth and activity - first results from a joint laboratory study ,
BIOACID / EPOCA / UKOARP Meeting Bremerhaven 27-30 Sept 2010. .

Conference -Poster
Wannicke, N. , Koch, B. ORCID: and Voss, M. (2009)
Factors influencing the release of fixed N2 and C as dissolved compounds by Trichodesmium erythreum and Nodularia epumigenia ,
ASLO Aquatic Sciences Meeting, 25-30 Apr, Nice, France. .

Conference -Talk
Wurst, M. , Voss, M. , Engel, A. , Grossart, H. P. , Riebesell, U. and Lunau, M. (2008)
Coupling of transparent exopolymer particle dynamics and microbiological processes during an ocean acidification experiment in the Baltic Sea ,
Ocean Science Meeting, March 2-7, 2008, Orlando, Florida. .

Conference -Talk
Voss, M. , Lunau, M. , Schmidt, R. , Ramos, J. and Riebesell, U. (2008)
Nitrogen fixation rates and heterotrophic activity under high pCO2 in free drifting mesocosms in the Baltic Sea ,
Ocean Science Meeting, March 2-7, 2008, Florida, Orlando. .

Conference -Talk
Geissler, W. ORCID:, Jokat, W. ORCID: and Voss, M. (2008)
Seismic and aeromagnetic investigations of the north-western Yermak Plateau ,
Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 10, EGU2008-A-00000, EGU General Assembly 2008. .

Conference -Poster
Bauerfeind, E. and Voss, M. (2007)
δ15 N content in sedimenting particles in the seasonally ice- covered Greenland Sea ,
42 EMBS Symposium, KielAugust .

Conference -Talk
Voss, M. , Schmidt-Aursch, M. C. ORCID: and Jokat, W. ORCID: (2007)
Constraints of break-up related magmatism of the North East Greenland rifted margin ,
ICAM V - Fifth International conference on Arctic margins. .

Conference -Talk
Voss, M. and Jokat, W. ORCID: (2006)
Crustal Structure of the East Greenland Volcanic Margin - I: Voluminous Underplating North of the Jan Mayen Fracture Zone ,
EGU General Assembly 2006, 02.-07.April 2006,Vienna, Austria. .

Conference -Talk
Voss, M. and Jokat, W. ORCID: (2006)
Magmatism and a wide continent-ocean transition at the East Greenland volcanic rifted margin ,
American Geophysical Union Converence, San Francisco.-15.12.2006. .

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