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Number of items: 106.

Conference -Conference paper
Bathmann, U. (1994)
Southern Ocean - JGOFS: Überblick über internationale JGOFS-Untersuchungen 1992 in der Antarktis ,
Bericht über den 2 JGOFS-Workshop, 18 /19 November 1993 in Bremen (M Giese, G Wefer, Hrsg) Ber FB Geowissenschaften, Univ Bremen .

Conference -Conference paper
Botzet, M. , Christensen, J. H. , Claudius, E. , Dethloff, K. , Jacob, D. , Lehmann, R. , Machenhauer, B. and Rinke, A. ORCID: (1994)
Application of a regional climate model on the Arctic atmosphere ,
3 Deutsche Klimatagung, Potsdam: Tagungsband PIK Reports 1 .

Conference -Conference paper
Botzet, M. , Christensen, J. H. , Claudius, E. , Dethloff, K. , Jacob, D. , Machenhauer, B. and Rinke, A. ORCID: (1994)
Results of HIRHAM simulations for January 1991 and July 1990 over the Arctic with ECMWF boundaries ,
Proc 3rd European Regionalization Workshop, Kopenhagen .

Conference -Conference paper
Botzet, M. , Christensen, J. H. , Claudius, E. , Dethloff, K. , Jacob, D. , Lehmann, R. , Machenhauer, B. and Rinke, A. ORCID: (1994)
Application of a regional climate model of the tropo- and stratosphere on the Arctic ,
Ann Geophys,12/Suppl. II, C 362 .

Conference -Conference paper
Botzet, M. , Christensen, J. H. , Claudius, E. , Dethloff, K. , Lehmann, R. , Machenhauer, B. and Rinke, A. ORCID: (1994)
First results in applying a regional climate model to the Artic atmosphere ,
Proc Second European Regionalization Project Workshop, Oberpfaffenhofen .

Conference -Talk
Brey, T. ORCID: and Dahm, C. (1994)
Population dynamics of Antarctic echinoderms ,
David, B., Guille, A., Féral, J.-P., Roux, M. (eds). Echinoderms through time: Proceedings of the 8th International Echinoderm Symposium .

Conference -Conference paper
Drinkwater, M. R. , Early, D. S. and Long, D. G. (1994)
ERS-1 investigations of Southern Ocean sea-ice geophysics using combined scatterometer and SAR images ,
IGARSS '94, Pasadena, CA IEEE Cat No 94CH3378-7 .

Conference -Conference paper
Drinkwater, M. R. and Kottmeier, C. (1994)
Satellite microwave radar- and buoy-tracked ice motion in the Weddell Sea during WWGS'92 ,
Proc IGARSS '94, Pasadena, CA, IEEE Cat No 94CH3378-7 .

Conference -Conference paper
Drinkwater, M. R. , Long, D. G. and Early, D. S. (1994)
ERS-1 investigations of Southern Ocean sea ice geophysics using scatterometer and SAR images ,
Paper presented at URSI Symposium, Lawrence, Kansas .

Conference -Conference paper
Early, D. S. , Long, D. G. and Drinkwater, M. R. (1994)
Comparison of enhanced resolution images of Greenland from the ERS-1 and seasat scatterometers ,
Proc IGARSS '94, Pasadena, CA, IEEE Cat No 94CH3378-7 .

Conference -Conference paper
Fabian, R. , von der Gathen, P. ORCID:, Ehlers, J. , Krüger, B. C. , Neuber, R. ORCID: and Beyerle, G. (1994)
Intercomparison between ozone profiles measured above Spitsbergen by LIDAR and sonde techniques ,
Proceedings of the Quadrennial Ozone Symposium, Charlottesville, Virginia, 1992 (R D Hudson, ed), NASA Conference Publication .

Conference -Conference paper
Gage, J. D. and Brey, T. ORCID: (1994)
P/B ratios in deep-sea brittle stars ,
David, B., Guille, A., Féral, J.-P., Roux, M. (eds). Echinoderms through time: Proceedings of the 8th International Echinoderm Symposium .

Conference -Conference paper
von der Gathen, P. ORCID:, Heese, B. , Beyerle, G. and Neuber, R. ORCID: (1994)
Multiwavelength lidar configurations for polar stratospheric research ,
Proceedings of the 17th International Laser Radar Conference, Sendai, Japan .

Conference -Conference paper
von der Gathen, P. ORCID:, Künzi, K. and Schrems, O. (1994)
Stratosphärische Ozonvariationen im Bereich des arktischen Polarwirbels II ,
Proceedings 4. Statusseminar des Ozonforschungsprogramms des BMFT .

Conference -Conference paper
Gerdes, R. (1994)
Atlantic-Artic exchange in a large scale ocean circulation model ,
Proc WRCP Conference on the Dynamics of the Arctic Climate System, Gothenburg, Sweden .

Conference -Conference paper
Gernandt, H. , Dethloff, K. and Kanzawa, H. (1994)
The height dependent interannual variability of vertical stratospheric ozone distributions over the Antarctic and its connection with the global circulation ,
PIK Reports 1,82-84, 3. Deutsche Klimatagung, Potsdam1994. Tagungsband der Vorträge und Poster, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research. .

Conference -Conference paper
Huybrechts, P. (1994)
Glaciological and climatological probabilities and improbabilities of alternative glaciation models of Antarctica ,
Landscape evolution in the Ross Sea Area, Antarctica (F. M. van der Wateren, A.L. L.M. Verbers, F. Tessensohn, eds.) Rijks Geologische Dienst, Haarlem .
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Conference -Conference paper
Knudsen, B. , von der Gathen, P. ORCID:, Braathen, G. O. , Fabian, R. , Jørgensen, T. S. , Kyrö, E. , Neuber, R. ORCID: and Rummukainen, M. (1994)
Temporal development of the correlation between ozone and potential vorticity in the Arctic in the winters of 1988/89, 1989/90 and 1990/91 ,
Proceedings of the Quadrennial Ozone Symposium, Charlottesville, Virginia, 1992 (R D Hudson, ed) NASA Conference Publication .

Conference -Conference paper
Lange, M. A. , Barker, G. L. A. , Hayes, P. K. and Medlin, L. (1994)
Genetic divergence in two marine phytolankton taxa ,
Abstracts 5th Int Phycol Congr 26 Jun j- 32 Jul 1994, Qindao, PR China .

Conference -Conference paper
Lohmann, G. ORCID:, Gerdes, R. and Chen, D. (1994)
Feedback mechanisms affecting the thermohaline circulation ,
Proc WRCP Conf on the Dynamics of the Arctic Climate System, Gothenburg, Sweden .

Conference -Conference paper
Long, D. G. , Early, D. S. and Drinkwater, M. R. (1994)
Enhanced resolution ERS-1 scatterometer imaging of southern hemisphere polar ice ,
Proc IGARSS '94, Pasadena, CA .

Conference -Conference paper
Markus, T. , Fischer, H. and Burns, B. A. (1994)
Contribution of Antarctic coastal polyni to total ice production comparison of satellite- and model-derived estimates ,
Proc IGARSS '94, Pasadena, CA .

Conference -Conference paper
Medlin, L. , Kooistra, W. H. C. F. , Wellbrock, U. and Crawford, R. (1994)
The polyphyletic origins of the centric diatoms ,
Abstract 13th Int Diatom Symp 1-7 Sept 1994 Acquafredda di Maratea, Italy .

Conference -Conference paper
Medlin, L. , Lange, M. and Barker, G. L. A. (1994)
Can molecular techniques change our species concept? ,
NATO ASI Molecular Ecology of Aquatic Microbes Il Ciocco, Castelvecchio Pascoli, Tuscany 28 Aug - 9 Sept 1994 (abstract) .

Conference -Conference paper
Neuber, R. ORCID:, Beyerle, G. , Heese, B. , Stebel, K. , von der Gathen, P. ORCID: and Wittrock, F. (1994)
Aerosol, ozone, and temperature measurements with a multi-wavelength lidar at Spitsbergen ,
Proceedings 17th International Laser Radar Conference, Sendai, Japan .

Conference -Conference paper
Neuber, R. ORCID:, Beyerle, G. , Schrems, O. , Fabian, R. , von der Gathen, P. ORCID: and Krüger, B. C. (1994)
Measurements of stratospheric ozone and aerosols above Spitsbergen ,
Proceedings of the Quadrennial Ozone Symposium, Charlottesville, Virginia, 1992 (R D Hudson, ed), NASA Conference Publication .

Conference -Conference paper
Nürnberg, D. , Damm, E. ORCID:, Fütterer, D. , Niessen, F. ORCID:, Nørgaard-Petersen, N. , Schubert, C. , Spielhagen, R. and Wahsner, M. (1994)
Sedimentation am Kontinentalhang der Laptev-See, sibirische Arktis ,
Vorläufige Ergebnisse der ARKTIS 93 Expedition mit FS Polarstern (ARK IX-4) DFG-Kolloquium Sedimentation in polaren Gewässern, 13 -14 1 1994, Alfred-Wegener-Institut .

Conference -Conference paper
Peil, S. and Schrems, O. (1994)
FTIR spectroscopic studies of low temperature Polar stratospheric cloud model surfaces ,
9th Internat Conference on Fourier Transform Spectroscopy, Calgary, Alberta, 1993 Soc of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE), Bellingham, Washington .

Conference -Talk
Reigstad, M. , Wassmann, P. , Riebesell, U. and Passow, U. (1994)
Vernal bloom dynamics in a north Norwegian Fjord ,
EOS Transact (abstract) .

Conference -Talk
Riebesell, U. (1994)
Pathways of inorganic carbon acquisition in marine phytoplankton ,
EOS Transact (abstract) .

Conference -Conference paper
Schenke, H. W. , Heidland, K. , Seeber, G. and Völksen, C. (1994)
Results from ERS-1 radar altimetry ground truthing on the Filchner-Ronne-Schelfeis ,
Proc Second ERS-1 Symposium - Space at the Service of our environment, HamburgESA SP-361 .

Conference -Conference paper
Schiel, S. and Mujica, A. (1994)
The zooplankton of the Antarctic Peninsula region ,
In: Southern Ocean ecology the BIOMASS perspective (S Z El-Sayed, ed) Cambridge Univ Pr , Cambridge .

Conference -Conference paper
Vajen, H. H. , Viehoff, T. and Spiridonov, Y. G. (1994)
Usage of OKEAN SLR data for sea ice studies ,
Proc of the Euro-Russian Space Conference, Munich .

Conference -Conference paper
Viehoff, T. and Li, A. (1994)
Multi-sensor and ground-truth investigation of Weddell Sea ice conditions ,
Proc Second ERS-1 Symposium Space at the Service of our Environment, HamburgESA SP-361 .

Conference -Conference paper
Wadhams, P. and Viehoff, T. (1994)
the Odden ice tongue in the Greenland Sea SAR imagery and field observations of its development in 1993 ,
Second ERS-1 Symp Space at the Service of our Environment ESA SP-361 .

Conference -Conference paper
Workshop on Aspects of Parallelization Regarding Finite Elements and Ocean Modelling / Hiller, W. and Krauße, E. (editors) ,
Berichte aus dem Fachbereich Physik .

Conference -Conference paper
Jokat, W. ORCID: (1994)
Reflexionsseismische Messungen im Weddell Meer (Antarktis) ,
Fütterer, D.K., Thiede, J., Kleinschmidt, G. (eds.), Sedimentation in polaren Gewässers, Kolloquium im Schwerpunkt Antarktisforschung mit vergleichenden Untersuchungen in arktischen Eisgebieten, Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft .

Conference -Conference paper
Hambach, U. , Orleanu, M. , Rogenhagen, J. and Schnepp, E. (1994)
Paleomagnetism of Pleistocene volcanics from the Persani Mountains, East Carpathians (Romania) ,
Romanian Journal of Tectonics and Regional Geology .

Conference -Conference paper
König-Langlo, G. and Augstein, E. (1994)
Variation of the surface radiation balance at Arctic and Antarctic GBSRN-stations. ,
Abstracts of the European conference on the global energy and water cycle. The Royal Society, LondonJuly 1994 .

Conference -Conference paper
Saborowski, R. ORCID: and Buchholz, F. (1994)
Saisonale Variationen der MFO-Aktivität bei Klischen in der Nordsee. ,
Verhandlungen der deutschen zoologischen Gesellschaft.1 .

Conference -Conference paper
Bochert, A. (1994)
Airborne Line Scanner Systems for High Resolution Sea Ice Observations ,
Report series in Geophysics - Evening Sessions of the Summer School on Physics of Ice-Covered Seas .

Conference -Conference paper
Mai, S. , Hartmann, J. , Wamser, C. , Augstein, E. and Kottmeier, C. (1994)
Aircraft remote sensing of the surface roughness of sea ice ,
European Conference on Grand Challenges in Ocean and Polar Sciences, BremenSeptember 1994 .

Conference -Conference paper
Hochschild, V. , Stäblein, G. and Klenke, M. (1994)
Geomorphological Mapping and Investigation of the Thawing Dynamics at Potter Peninsula (King George Island) ,
Proceedings Second ERS-1 Symposium, Hamburg, Germany .

Conference -Conference paper
Boersma, M. ORCID: and Vijverberg, J. (1994)
The use of carbon to length regressions as a tool to estimate the degree of food limitation in the field ,
Internationale Vereinigung für Theoretische und Angewandte Limnologie. Verhandlungen .

Conference -Conference paper
Krogmann, D. , Blöcker, G. , Knauth, H. D. , Schroeder, F. and Wiltshire, K. H. ORCID: (1994)
Schwermetallbeladung an fraktioniertem Schwebstoff der Elbe im Raum Hamburger Hafen ,
Jahrestagung der Fachgruppe Wasserchemie, Coburg .

Conference -Invited talk
Jokat, W. ORCID: (1994)
Ship`s logistics for investigations in the Arctic Ocean ,
Interridge meeting, Kiel. .

Conference -Invited talk
Huybrechts, P. and T'Siobbel, S. (1994)
Thermomechanical modelling of northern hemisphere ice sheets with a parameterised mass-balance treatment ,
American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco (USA)December 1994. .

Conference -Poster
Niehoff, B. (1994)
Is egg production of calanoid copepods predictable from preserved samples? ,
ICES Marine Science Symposium on Zooplankton Production, Plymouth, UK. .

Conference -Conference paper
El Naggar, S. E. D. and Schoppe, S. (1994)
Waste management concept at the German winter station Neumayer ,
Proceeding sixth Symposium on Antarctic Logistics and Operation, Rom .

Conference -Invited talk
Schiel, S. (1994)
Lebensstrategien antarktischer Copepoden ,
Institut für Hydrobiologie und Fischereiwissenschaften, Universität Hamburg. .

Conference -Talk
Schiel, S. (1994)
Life cycle strategies of Calanoides acutus, Calanus propinquus and Metridia gerlachei in the eastern Weddell Sea, Antarctica. ,
ICES Symposium on Zooplankton Production, Plymouth, England. .

Conference -Talk
Schiel, S. (1994)
Seasonal changes in total lipid content and sexual maturity of dominant Antarctic copepods. ,
SCAR 6th Biology Symposium, Venedig, Italien. .

Conference -Talk
Brey, T. ORCID: (1994)
Antarctic bivalves living on sea urchins: population dynamics in limited space ,
Dunstaffnage Marine Laboratory, Oban, Scotland, U.K. .

Conference -Talk
Jarre-Teichmann, A. and Brey, T. ORCID: (1994)
Ecosystem modelling with artificial neural networks. First results in fish stock prediction in the marine ecosystem off Peru ,
Institut fuer theoretische Neurophysik, University Bremen, Germany. .

Conference -Invited talk
Riebesell, U. (1994)
CO2 limitation of marine phytoplankton growth ,
University of Rhode Island, Narragansett, U.S.A. 23. März 1994. .

Conference -Invited talk
Riebesell, U. (1994)
CO2 limitation of marine phytoplankton growth ,
Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory, Lamont, U.S.A. 10. März 1994. .

Conference -Invited talk
Riebesell, U. (1994)
CO2 limitation of marine phytoplankton growth ,
University of Rhode Island, Narragansett, U.S.A. 23. März 1994. .

Conference -Talk
Riebesell, U. (1994)
Pathways of inorganic carbon acquisition in marine phytoplankton ,
ASLO/ AGU Ocean Sciences Meeting, San Diego, U.S.A..-25. Februar 1994. .

Conference -Invited talk
Cortese, G. (1994)
Biology and Ecology of radiolarians ,
Lecture for Zoology Course, Zoological Institute, December, 17th, Florence University, Italy. .

Conference -Invited talk
Cortese, G. (1994)
Biology and Ecology of radiolarians ,
Lecture for Micropaleontology and Paleontology Course, Earth Sciences Dept., January, 26th, Florence University, Italy. .

Conference -Talk
Baumgartner, P. O. , Bartolini, A. , Carter, E. S. , Conti, M. , Cortese, G. , Danelian, T. , De Wever, P. , Dumitrica, P. , Dumitrica-Jud, R. , Gorican, S. , Guex, J. , Hull, D. M. , Kito, N. , Marcucci, M. , Matsuoka, A. , Murchey, B. , O'Dogherty, L. , Savary, J. , Vishnevskaya, V. , Widz, D. and Yao, A. (1994)
A new Middle Jurassic to Lower Cretaceous Radiolarian Zonation and worldwide correlation of low-latitude Radiolarian Associations ,
InterRad VII (International Association of Radiolarian Paleontologists), Osaka, Japan. .

Conference -Talk
Marcucci, M. , Chiari, M. , Cortese, G. and Nozzoli, N. (1994)
New data on the radiolarian assemblages in the Jurassic cherts of western and southern Tuscany, Italy ,
InterRad VII (International Association of Radiolarian Paleontologists), Osaka, Japan. .

Conference -Poster
Wagner, D. , Pfeiffer, E. M. and Bock, E. (1994)
Temperature dependence of methane production in a typical soil of the Elbe river marshland ,
Jahrestagung der Vereinigung Allgemeiner und Angewandter Mikrobiologen, Hannover.-9. März 1994. .

Conference -Invited talk
Buchholz, F. (1994)
Weiß ist das Land, schwarz ist der Strand - Leben auf einer Antarktisinsel ,
Volkshochschule, Helgoland. .

Conference -Invited talk
Buchholz, F. (1994)
Forschungen der Biologischen Anstalt Helgoland ,
Öffentlicher Vortrag, Volkssternwarte Berlin. .

Conference -Invited talk
Buchholz, F. (1994)
Ökophysiologie polarer Tiere ,
Symposium "15 Jahre SPP Antarktisforschung der DFG, Universität Jena. .

Conference -Invited talk
Buchholz, F. (1994)
Biological Research at the Marine Station at Helgoland ,
University Madeira, Funchal. .

Conference -Talk
Buchholz, F. (1994)
Struktur, Aufgaben und Forschungsthemen der Meeresstation ,
Sitzung der Arbeitsgruppe BAH des Wissenschaftsrats, Meeresökologisches Labor, Helgoland. .

Conference -Talk
Saborowski, R. ORCID: and Buchholz, F. (1994)
Die MFO-Aktivität der Kliesche im natürlichen Zyklus: Abhängigkeiten von biotischen und abiotischen Faktoren ,
Bundesforschungsanstalt für Fischerei, Cuxhaven. .

Conference -Poster
Tan, T. L. (1994)
A microtitre-plate dilution method for counting marine heterotrophic bacteria ,
New Approaches in Microbial Ecology(NAME) International Workshop, Elsinore, Denmark 21-25 August .

Conference -Poster
Schrems, O. (1994)
"FTIR-Spectroscopic Studies of Polar Stratospheric Cloud Model Surfaces: Nitric Acid Hydrates and Heterogeneous Reactions involving N2O5 and HBr", ,
22nd European Congress on Molecular Spectroscopy, 11-16 September, Essen (Germany). .
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Conference -Invited talk
Notholt, J. (1994)
"Ground based FTIR measurements and analysis of stratospheric trace gases in the Arctic using the moon and sun as infrared light source" ,
22nd European Congress on Molecular Spectroscopy, 11-16 September, Essen (Germany). .

Conference -Poster
Stachura, K. and Witkowski, A. (1994)
Response of diatom flora to the long term waste water run-off from the Vistula River. ,
The 13th International Diatom Symposium, Italy. .

Conference -Talk
Fahrbach, E. (1994)
Circulation and water mass formation in the Weddell Sea ,
Juni, Savonlinna. .

Conference -Talk
Fahrbach, E. (1994)
On the Formation of Deep and Bottom Water in the Weddell Sea ,
Deep Water Mini Conference, 7. Nov., Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory 7. Nov. .

Conference -Invited talk
Schrems, O. (1994)
Die Ozonschicht über den Polargebieten: Neue Ergebnisse von Feldmessungen und Laboruntersuchungen ,
Eingeladener Vortrag, Kolloquium der Physikalischen und Analytischen Chemie, Bergische Universität Gesamthochschule Wuppertal, 17. November, Wuppertal. .

Conference -Invited talk
Schrems, O. (1994)
Entstehung und Auswirkung des Ozonlochs ,
Eingeladener Vortrag, Landfrauenverein Land Hadeln/Cuxhaven, 13. April, Otterndorf. .

Conference -Invited talk
Schrems, O. (1994)
Ground based FTIR Measurements and Analysis of Stratospheric Trace Gases in the Arctic using the Moon and Sun as Infrared Light Sources ,
Invited Lecture, 22nd European Congress on Molecular Spectroscopy, 11.-16. Sept., Essen, Germany. .

Conference -Poster
Lorenzen-Schmidt, H. , Weller, R. ORCID: and Schrems, O. (1994)
FTIR Studies of the Reactions of O(1D)-Atoms with CF3Br and CF2BrCF2Br in the Gas Phase and in Solid Argon Matrices ,
Poster, 22nd European Congress on Molecular Spectroscopy, 11.-16. Sept., Essen, Germany. .

Conference -Talk
Lorenzen-Schmidt, H. , Weller, R. ORCID: and Schrems, O. (1994)
Reaktionen der Halone CF3Br und CF2BrCF2Br mit O(1D) in der Gasphase und in Argon-Matrizes ,
Vortrag, Bunsentagung, 12.-14. Mai, Berlin, Germany. .

Conference -Invited talk
Schrems, O. (1994)
Die Ozonmessungen an der Forster-Station und der Neumayer-Station in der Antarktis mit aktuellen Meßergebnissen vom September 1994 ,
Vortrag, "125 Jahre deutsche Polarforschung" - Eine Ausstellung des Alfred-Wegener-Instituts für Polar- und Meeresforschung vom 2. September bis 6. November 1994 im Übersee-Museum Bremen, 30. Sept., Bremen. .

Conference -Poster
Bornemann, H. , Plötz, J. , Mohr, E. and Krzywanek, H. (1994)
Jagen und Fressen unter Wasser - die Weddellrobbe ein Spitzenkonsument in der Antarktis ,
11. Tagung der Fachgruppe Physiologie und Biochemie der Deutschen Veterinärmedizinischen Gesellschaft, 2931 March 1994, Leipzig, Germany .

Conference -Poster
Bornemann, H. and Plötz, J. (1994)
Tauchverhalten und Nahrung der Weddellrobbe ,
Kolloquium der DFG im Schwerpunkt Antarktisforschung mit vergleichenden Untersuchungen in arktischen Eisgebieten zum Thema Marine Biologie der Polargebiete, Eisbiologie und Warmblüterbiologie, 0507 October 1994, Jena, Germany .

Conference -Conference paper
Wagner, T. , Hölemann, J. ORCID: and Wiesner, M. G. (1994)
Glacial interglacial organic sedimentation in the Norwegian-greenland Sea ,
Abstracts of papers of the american chemical society,207: 110-GEOC, Part 1. .

Conference -Poster
Breitzke, M. and Bleil, U. (1994)
A source signal test for the Parasound echosounder: Resolution and deconvolution of very thin layers ,
EGS 19th General Assembly, Nice, France. .

Conference -Poster
Spiess, V. , Bleil, U. , Breitzke, M. , Schneider, R. , Gohl, K. ORCID: and Uenzelmann-Neben, G. ORCID: (1994)
High resolution seismic survey at the southwest African continental margin ,
EGS 19th General Assembly, Nice, France. .

Conference -Poster
Breitzke, M. (1994)
Auflösung dünner Schichten in hochfrequenten Registrierungen des Parasound Sedimentecholotes ,
54. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Geophysikalischen Gesellschaft, 7-11 März, Münster .

Conference -Poster
Spiess, V. , Bleil, U. , Breitzke, M. , Schneider, R. , Gohl, K. ORCID: and Uenzelmann-Neben, G. ORCID: (1994)
Hochauflösende seismische Untersuchungen am südwestafrikanischen Kontinentalrand ,
54. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Geophysikalischen Gesellschaft, 7-11 März, Münster .

Conference -Talk
Dubischar, C. , Bathmann, U. and David, P. (1994)
Grazing by Copepods and Salps at Two Frontal Systems Associated to the Antarctic Circumpolar Current ,
1994 Ocean Sciences Meeting, ASLO, 21-25 Feb., San Diego, California, USA. .

Conference -Poster
Dubischar, C. (1994)
Mesozooplankton grazing in the Southern Ocean during austral spring ,
ICES Symposium on Zooplankton Production, 15-19 Aug., Plymouth, UK. .

Conference -Talk
Van der Loeff, M. M. R. , Friedrich, J. , Bathmann, U. , Dubischar, C. , Stoll, M. H. C. and de Baar, H. J. W. (1994)
Carbon Export During the Spring Bloom at the Southern Polar Front, Quantified with the Natural Tracer 234Th. ,
1994 Ocean Sciences Meeting, ASLO, 21-25 Feb, San Diego, California, USA. .

Conference -Poster
Kuipers, B. R. , Gonzalez, S. , Dubischar, C. , Klaas, C. ORCID: and Reitmeyer, S. (1994)
The Role of Macrozooplankton and Microheterotrophic Grazers in the Antarctic Circumpolar Current ,
1994 Ocean Sciences Meeting, ASLO, 21-25 Feb., San Diego, California, USA. .

Conference -Poster
Friedrich, J. and Rutgers v. d. Loeff, M. ORCID: (1994)
Polonium-210 and Lead-210 in Surface Waters of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current During the Development of a Plankton Bloom. ,
"Ocean Sciences Meeting", AGU-ASLO, 2/1994, San Diego, USA. .

Conference -Talk
De La Rocha, C. , Brzezinski, M. A. and DeNiro, M. J. (1994)
Quantitative recovery of dissolved and biogenic silicon as SiO2 ,
1994 Ocean Sciences Meeting, Feb. 1994, San Diego, USA. .

Conference -Conference paper
van Beusekom, J. and Jonge, V. N. d. (1994)
The role of suspended matter in the distribution of dissolved inorganic phosphate, iron and aluminium in the Ems estuary ,
Netherlands Journal of Aquatic Ecology .

Conference -Talk
Grobe, H. ORCID: and Diepenbroek, M. (1994)
SEDAN Präsentation ,
Fachbereiche Geowissenschaften, Universität Bremen .

Conference -Talk
Grobe, H. ORCID: (1994)
Klima- und Polarforschung ,
Fachhochschule Wilhelmshaven .

Conference -Poster
Schröder, M. , Hoppema, M. ORCID: and Wisotzki, A. (1994)
Bottom water anomaly at the Subantarctic Front on Greenwich meridian ,
The South Atlantic: Present and past circulation, Bremen, 15-19 August 1994, Berichte aus dem Fachbereich Geowissenschaften der Universität Bremen 52: .

Conference -Talk
Bester, K. , Brockmann, U. H. , Hühnerfuss, H. and Rick, J. ORCID: (1994)
Biological effects of triazine herbicides in marine ecosystems ,
North Sea Task Force-Meeting,, Ebeltoft, Denmark, 1994 - unspecified .

Conference -Invited talk
Rick, J. ORCID: (1994)
Transfer of copper in mesocosms ,
KUSTOS Meeting, Hamburg .

This list was generated on Wed Jan 8 12:54:12 2025 UTC.